jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Brazil, a Country That Was Tired of Football :p

Demonstrations against the cost of the 2014 World Cup - and the violent clashes that followed - are anything but a surprise. Since 2007 already, date of grant of the organization in Brazil, the subject is a well controversial. The 7% increase in the price of bus tickets and the invoice 15 billion are only two drops of water that overflowed the stadium.
Manifs contre le coût faramineux du prochain Mondial

An electric blue carapace, a beatific smile and bulging eyes. Officially presented September 16, 2012 on national TV, the mascot of the World Cup 2014, as it should be, happy tunes of the crib. More fun, Tatu-Bola, as it is called, is a Tolypeutes tricinctus: local endangered mammal that loves, above all, to curl when comes too tickle. Ultimate flick on the nose of FIFA? Difficult, indeed, not to be a reference to extremely tense relations that the host country with the omnipotent federation. The fact is rarely organization of a World Cup has seemed so messy.

"Shitty world cup", "outright extortion," "the worst is yet to come" ... The old legend Auriverde football, Romario, hoarse since 2011. A good sharp worth more than all the dribbling the popular MP from Rio de Janeiro took this, and quite appropriately, the head of the protest. If it is not left behind in terms of FIFA, his diatribes are not saving, not the organizing committee. Fabio Juppa, reporter for the daily O Globo, recognizes, sarcastic, paw politician: "He says what people want to hear and believe, that the government is unable to conduct major projects with the necessary transparency. "Échaudée by organized Pan American Games anyhow in 2007, the population is not prepared, it is true, to sign a new blank check to its leaders. And she does know. According to a survey by the greatest magazine in the country, Veja, 76% of Brazilians already felt in 2011 that the World would be that of corruption. A bad atmosphere that the fall of the powerful chairman of the CBF Ricardo Teixeira, who resigned in March 2012, has so little settled. With a nickname worthy of a rapper from New Orleans and draws on Emile Louis, "Tricky Ricky" has long symbolized the impunity enjoyed instances of Brazilian football. Sick, beset by countless bribes of business, it has nevertheless lost its most loyal support in the person of President Lula big fan of Corinthians. "By acting on this proximity to power, Teixeira got what he wanted for his World Cup in ignoring certain laws," commented Fabio Juppa same. Ricky the faker to the right of the throne and powered great organizer of the World Cup, a truly unacceptable situation for many Brazilians. Author of the documentary Fifa's Dirty Secret controversy that made in 2010, the journalist Andrew Jennings BBC rigolerait almost "Lula wanted the 2014 all costs, just to promote his presidency. So if we had to deal with a guy like Teixeira and his friends in Zurich, why not. He knew that soon, it would not be his problem. »

New sheriff, new rules

Yet problem there. Because if FIFA does not usually hold your nose to corruption, she hates to lose control. In power since January 2011, President Dilma Rousseff has in fact neither the political artfulness of his predecessor or his visceral attraction for the sport king. And even less like his country to pass a banana republic. Originally many dependents investigations against the leaders of Brazilian football, Senator Alvaro Dias describes a worrying situation: "In addition incompetence, disorganization and lack of ethics indisputable so far we have no idea what Lula has been promised to FIFA. "An equation with too many unknowns that Rousseff quickly simplified by being much less accommodating. Is that why Jerome Valcke, the general secretary of FIFA, literally PETA pellets March 2, 2012? Likely. Asked about the preparations for the World Cup, the French street in stretchers and invites to reporters aback, Brazil to get a "kick in the butt." What meets the heels a close adviser of the President, Marcelo Aurelio Garcia: "Dilma Rousseff much greater irritation topics that comments of a big mouth. »

However, if Valcke has managed the feat of cum pissed off a whole country, his manly output is not less justified. One can quibble about the method, less substance. Because the numbers speak for themselves. Thus, according to a government report, in May 2012, to two years of the World thus, only 5% of the work were made and 41% were only at the planning stage. What make in a country where transport problems are endemic, this little feverish world. Brazil seems to repeat the same mistakes as the 2007 Pan American Games, where the work in the emergency had led exemptions bidding, construction sites and billing ... rising transport prices. "And not to mention the thorny case of some extremely expensive stadiums in cities to the lesser footballing tradition, full Fabio Juppa. Which for sure will transform into white elephants after the World Cup. This was the case in Athens in 2004, Beijing in 2008 and South Africa 2010. "Blatter and others are not mistaken. Their sudden pressure is, according to Andrew Jennings and Romario, to push the government to put their hands in the pocket. On this specific point, Alvaro Dias chokes "Of the 10 billion estimated for the total stroke of work, [now 15 billion, the survey was conducted last year note] will only 8% of the capital private. It was alleged us exactly the opposite, saying that hardly affect public funds. Bullshit! »

The economist Pedro Trengrouse tempers, he concert of indignation. Author of a study on the previous competition in South Africa, the latter replies that only 20% of expenditures ultimately concern the stadiums. "Of which three quarters covered elsewhere in the public domain," he quips. Beyond the battle of figures, the reality for the Brazilian taxpayer wants relentless: these famous stages left to cost three times more than expected. Blame it on a Brazilian who was too good. Although full of sports venues, none of them met the very strict standards imposed by FIFA.

Beer, money and political expediency

In short, a beautiful mess that fucks pretty bad. Especially in addition to the stories of backhoes, Fifa has lived a real psychodrama for nearly six years. In the game, the famous Lei Geral text supposed to regulate the conduct of the competition and genuine legal passport to all the requirements of the International Federation. Planned from the acquisition of the World in 2007, its adoption has yet been passed at the end of August 2012. And, to the chagrin of Blatter caught in the throes of a deeply rooted local political left. Brazil is indeed a federal law very attached to the rights of the working classes. Result, the government requires a batch of 300,000 tickets at half price. Intolerable for sovereign federation seeks in essence to fulfill its cash drawer rather than playing the Little Brothers. The desire of Brazilians fall into deaf ears, but not forgotten. Other litigation, the sale of alcoholic beverages in stadiums next World prohibited by federal law. The problem is that the main sponsor of the sporting event is called Budweiser. The issue of exception appeared in Auriverdes land and toured the Parliament before landing on the desk of the President. Finally, FIFA and Brazil share the points. Rousseff get half price tickets while Blatter drink his beer, cushy in the boxes of the new Maracanã. Victory for the government in place? I Do Not. The fact is, after a lot of hysteria, the resistance of carioca countries to the Helvetian barons did pschit. Zurich trumps virtually all the points and the next World Cup does not belong more to Brazil than was in South Africa. Annoyed, Senator Alvaro Dias vigilante-balance one last salvo: "Assaulted and humiliated by Fifa, my government has knee. We do not respect, and at this rate, the World Cup will leave us a cursed inheritance. »

Attentive observer of these verbal jousting, historian Marcos Guterman, author of a book noticed on the football in Brazil, does not hide his amusement. All hubbub is, in his eyes, pure commedia dell'arte "A golden opportunity for some politicians to play coy virgin, the saviors of the country face an alleged foreign interference. "A partition paying particular role in 2012, at a time when national pride is at its highest, and clocked to confuse the usual helvètes barons so phlegmatic. Still, this con game where more about beer and the price of the ticket we scarf on the use of public money in 2013 has now lasted long enough for the population. And she wanted to know what Monday night. First peacefully and violently, alas. Scenes of guerrillas, molotov cocktails, besieged Parliament in Brasilia, window shopping and returned broken and burned cars. Brazil had not seen it since 1992 and social protests against the corruption of the government of former President Fernando Collor de Melo. A desire to prove that the Brazilian does not care that football and partying. Or it is not already resigned to watching his World Cup on TV ...
By Vincent Berthe et William Pereira
(Source : 

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